Governance & ethical conduct

Infront is committed to protecting and enhancing long-term value for all stakeholders with responsibility, integrity and accountability. To do this, we created strategies and systems that guide governance and operations to ensure excellence in corporate stewardship and risk management.

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We are changing systems, policies and processes to ensure excellence across Infront’s business.

We are making a concerted effort to harmonise internal controls and financial reporting systems to deliver full compliance with statutory, legal and regulatory requirements.

Infront makes full disclosure of management's potential conflicts of interest and policies and procedures to ensure that any such conflicts are appropriately addressed.

Our comprehensive Code of Conduct ensures all employees abide by high ethical and professional standards. We all remain mindful of our duties to the company, our customers and our fellow colleagues, while maintaining full compliance with all applicable laws.

Read our Code of Conduct

To support the highest standards of ethics and compliance, the Infront Group Whistleblowing Policy shows our zero-tolerance approach to any kind of misconduct, bribery or corruption, with anonymous reporting available to all.

To report any incident, visit our Whistleblower Portal

Download our policies

Find out more in our Transparency Report