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Choose between two different configurations:

#1: Infront Market Data and Analytics Terminal

Real-time market data, market-changing news and optional analytics on more than 10 million instruments from around 100 global exchanges, as well as several leading specialist and OTC sources. All the news that you need, powerful charting, full Excel integration and API’s all come out of the box. And it’s mobile, so you can follow markets wherever you are.

#2: Infront Market Data and Analytics Terminal with Trading

Full access to the fastest growing UK RSP Network via the Infront Market Data and Analytics Terminal and its fully integrated EMS solution. Execute your orders and route your flow electronically with the counterparties and on the trading venues of your choice, across all asset classes. The trial offer includes a fully integrated offering with one fast user interface that you can tailor to your needs.

We’re warning you: this could be addictive! Once you’re hooked, we’ll make it even sweeter by offering you the first 3 months for free, should you choose to subscribe for a minimum of 12 months after your trial. That’s a 25% discount. Bull Market Performance and Bear Market Prices.

There are no license investments; this is a subscription based offering. When you need more users, ask about our enterprise price plans.